Embracing their pain and transmuting it through wit, jesters display an extraordinary resilience and self-awareness. They become the manifestation of levity in the face of adversity, reminding us that laughter can be a powerful tool for healing and finding peace even in the darkest of moments.
Do you think a smile or silly words to a child is progress of your soul?... This is where mindfulness is, the deep heart-felt feeling that Spirit is with you even with the smallest of gestures. Fun lightens things up and raises vibration. Be your own jester. Of God, seek knowledge and enlightenment to improve the quality of your life. See knowledge from the eye of a jester.
Spirit entrusts that we are fully competent to be the jester of our own life. When times get tough, we look deep within, work through the madness and become all the wiser for it. Once we make it through our dilemma either by ourselves or with support, we have more to celebrate. A new lesson learned that helps us to see deeper and reach further into our own heart and soul.
As time passes, we see the special moments spent with family and friends become more treasured. That silly laugh or funny gestures when playing with your children and grandchildren gives way to marked memories. A word here, a smile there, may spark the continuity for a reminiscing heart and days gone by. The continuity of the human soul.